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We support Autistic people and their families.
Share. Support. Learn.
Living with autism.
At times we face real and difficult challenges, but autism-specific support is often not readily available; especially in rural areas like ours.
Many Autistic people and their families are concerned about their future. They miss connections with people who are having similar experiences - who "get them" - just as they are. We desire to support them.
"We started the group when Jamie was 13 years old."
We remembered how it had been for us around the time of diagnosis with ASC. He was our eldest and we knew he was different but didn’t really understand the issues. He never got invited to parties which was isolating for him and us. Luckily, some folk at our church offered amazing support. The first two schools he attended asked him to leave as they said they could not cope.
I never thought in my life I would ever get involved in running a support group; but I felt we had to give it a go!
Simon, Chair of Trustees
SKY Autism Support has helped over 100 families in the Malvern and Upton-upon-Severn areas.
Kate and Simon started SKY Autism Support in February 2010 initially with help from parents of Autistic children and specialists in the field.
Their aim is to help Autistic people and their families – offering social groups and support. This includes meeting each individual need, supporting and empowering Autistic people, signposting Autistic people and their families to supportive groups, facilitating social opportunities, encouraging interest and strengths based approaches and lots more.
We know the challenge and joy of supporting Autistic people first-hand. We have the passion to build a better future for Autistic people and their families.
We want to improve the lives of Autistic people and their families by supporting them to access social groups, education and employment.
Our motivation stems from the fact that some of us have Autistic children, and all of our leaders and volunteers have a passion to help Autistic people.
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