This lovely review was received recently from a member of social groups:
“I cannot recommend Sky enough they have been life changing! It’s so rare for me to feel I can be around others and just “be myself”. When out I usually put on an act to try and seem more neurotypical and fit in. Keeping up this act is exhausting both physically and mentally for me and takes allot of pre-planning. When it goes wrong as it very often does, I get angry with myself, anxious and even more worried about going out the next time. Because of this I don’t normally get out much and avoid going out if I can. When attending Sky, I have no need to act like anyone but myself. I know everyone else attending has or knows someone on the spectrum. I know if I were to have a meltdown/shutdown while at Sky I won’t be judged for it, if anything I will be supported and helped. It’s been so nice to be able to leave the house and go to a place and not having that worry about fitting in. Before attending Sky if I ever had a problem with something I would just worry in silence and hope it went away or try and deal with it myself, often incorrectly. This would often result in much bigger problems later on. Since the majority of the problems I face are related to having ASD. I feel comfortable sharing those problems in the group or with the staff. It’s very likely that someone else at Sky has encountered whatever problem I have before and can help or just knows the solution. This can save so much needless worry and further problems. Sky has provided me an invaluable resource of knowledge and support all in one place that I have not had to jump through hoops to access. It has been a life changer; I am so thankful for all they have done, and are doing. Thank you Sky!”